Wednesday, October 11, 2006
29 July: Ancient Rome
I didn't plan for this but the Monument of Vittorio Emanuele II is just damn big it cannot be missed. Imagine Takashimaya. But in white marble. Now I know where all the marble went to.

There is nothing much there tho. Just a silly museum with some display of Italy's history. But with great height, comes great views!
On our way to the Capitoline Museum, we witnessed a rather pompous wedding with the bride and groom arriving in two separate Ferraris at Santa Maria in Aracoeli(Our Lady of the Altar of Heaven). They meant the 'Altar of Heaven' part literally: you must do like a gazillion steps before you reach the church. The bride had flaming red hair and friends like this.
Damn that Italian ah beng looks cool. Damn lao lan.

The bride super fit. Kinda like doing StairMasta2000 before saying 'i do'. Siong.Next to Capitoline Museum.
Why you so like that lor? Spoil our picture.I just realized that Michelangelo designed the museum. Seems like every fuck thing there is designed by one of the four ninja turtles. ANYWAY, the museum was jam packed with paintings and sculptures. Make no mistake, they are all masterpieces. But after you've seen like 2000 of them, they all look the same... The same few bible stories and paintings of royal people. *yawn*
Above is a highly confused she-wolf that was fabled to have raised the two founders of Rome. And we thought our lion story is far fetched. Bravo.
This is supposed to be the original wall of the building here long time ago. K lor. Next we had lunch. This particular lunch is interesting as they are the only place we encountered that provided us with FREE water. Others charge like 2 Euro for that privilege. Fuckers. They will give you the see-you-no-up look when you tell them that you don't want any drinks. SGD4 for plain water?! I did not fly halfway across the globe to be raped like this. Screw you.
We headed to the Roman Forum which is basically a stretch of decayed buildings (kinda like Bedok) leading to the Colosseum.
See? Like Bedok. It sounded a hell lot more happening in the travel guide. 
This is the tomb of a particular saint. Not that I care really. Note the reversed cross. It is not anti-Christ as you might assume. When he was about to be crucified, he requested to be crucified up-side-down. He say the normal method no kick. No la. Actually his point was that he did not deserve to be crucified like his idol, Jesus. Me no worthy! His executioners were quite obliging too. 'Um... Ok lor. As long as you die, can la.'Along the way, we found an olive tree. Wreath making time.
Presenting Ms Julie Caesar! We were walking towards the Colosseum when it started to rain heavily. And we saw this
Do note that is was raining heavily then. Osama can crash 2 planes into the Colosseum and they would STILL be posing. That is how professional and dedicated these folks were. Respect. This might very well be my favorite picture for the entire trip.We reached the Colosseum and skipped the queue with our RomaPass. Fools.
Colosseum might sound colossal but it is actually quite small. Maybe it is cos I just witnessed the uber determination of the wedding poseurs, Colosseum did not appear that much of a big deal to me. I had to post a bigger picture for that additional effect.
You know the story, men in underpants fighting each other and animals for entertainment. Cool.
Posted by weelian at 5:14 PM
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