Wednesday, October 18, 2006
3 Aug: Shopping
According to the itinerary, we should be visiting Duomo and baptistery today. Duomo means cathedral and baptistery is the place you get baptized before you can get 'in da club' in the olden times. The problem with duomo and baptistery is that there is one of 'em in every town: like 7-11. They do not have names. Just 'Duomo and baptistery'. So after Rome, you can imagine that I am pretty much done with 'Duomo and baptistery' already. Especially after Vatican City. Thats like DnB x 10.
So we decide to spend the day walking around, shopping. The day before, we came across this krazy Zara sale with blazers going at like SDG28 a pop. Thus our first stop is Zara and Massimo Dutti. But only the sale items are worth it. Jeans at Zara cost like SDG14 to 20. Krazy.

We love Zara. But only on sale. They ripped me off while in Singapore with this dress.


The ladies go crazy.

Shaggy was disappointed that the DoggieStyle range was not on sale.
I have no plans for the day. So we walked around town and we saw this

Now this lil boy can walk straight. He is walking bow legged to totally piss his mom off. So we were behind him while he walks around like a gangsta rapper with swollen balls. Hilarious. Keep it up kid, you got a great future.
For lunch, we decided to eat cheap: get some bread and meat from the market.

You couldn't tell what this animal was right? Don't tell you.
So we chose this meat from the counter which kinda taste like 烧肉. But check out the dynamic duo who cut the meat for us.
LOL. Note the warm lighting. The proximity of the 2 man. The concentration. Brilliant! So gay.
Dinner was very interesting that evening. We decided to consult the good-eats book again... After getting lost and walking in circles for like 15 mins, we reached our restaurant!

Closed for the holidays. Great. Off to the next one!

God damn hippies. Work damn it! Oh well, third time lucky I guess. But nooooo

The restaurant is in the piazza. They closed the entire piazza due to a concert. Nabeh. Back to the book...

Finally we ended up in this pizza place. Is it any good? I dunno. Just happen to pass by and DO NOT wish to consult the book no more.
Posted by weelian at 6:48 AM
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