Wednesday, October 11, 2006
30 July: Vatican City
Vatican City. Can't miss it right? Especially when entrance is FREE on the last Sunday of every month! Hell yea. But with free entrance, come great crowds. Damnit.We put our head together for a picture on the bus trip there.
We made a small detour due to the changed bus route so we had to change bus. At the bus stop, I saw a dude doing a parallel park and his car backed into the merc of another uncle who was watching the whole event take place. That dude just finish his parking and walked away. He and the uncle never even raise an eyebrow. Whoa.
This obelisk was chopped off and shipped over from Egypt. Pimp.

When we arrive, we saw a huge queue. Like any self respecting Singaporeans who spots a queue, we joined it. Just when I entered St. Peter's Basilica I had this genius of an idea: why not go to Sistine Chapel first? So we abandoned St. Peter's Basilica and joined a LONGER queue for the Sistine Chapel. Freakin' genius.
Noticed we were conservertively dressed? Either cover up or be like this genius over here.
Yes. Buy a sissy scarf and cover up on the spot. But actually we were overdressed. So long as u cover up your shoulder and your tits are not sticking out, they are cool with it.
People line up for the Sistine Chapel for 2 reasons: the ceiling and Last Judgement. Both of which I failed to take a decent photo of due to the low lighting and security herding you along and screaming 'no foto! no foto!'. Thanks a lot you assholes.We had lunch nearby.
The bean soup dish is quite unique. The pizza is fantastic too.We exited Sistine Chapel and returned to the queue again (genius) to enter St. Petes. Where we see Mikey's Pieta which was supposed to be a masterpiece which depicts the body of in Jesus in the arms of Mother Mary after the crucifixion. Notice I used the term 'supposed'. See, a few years back some psycho decided to run in and throw paint over it. Jackass. After that incident, the sculpture was moved wayyyy back and put behind a level of barricade and a thick glass case. I think the sculpture, together with the Pope, can survive a nuclear attack behind those defense.
The figures in the sculpture is grossly out of scale. Mary would be taller than Micheal Jordan if she stood up. But all this is done to achieve the balanced look. It would be hard to visualize a normal sized Mary propping up Jesus.
You can pay to climb all the way up for a look see. But why pay and climb up to look down when you can stay down here for free and look up?Everything in the Basilica is larger than life. Huge sculptures everywhere. And they got this huge canopy inside, leading to the apse. We attended this service (cos we happen to be there) and position ourselves in front of these jolly sistas for a picture.
So the service consist of this posse of kids' entrance, they sing song
and some guy used a smoke grenade,
and it was over. Great.
Some Pope's tomb.It was around closing time and we were herded out and the near the exit is this exquisite double helix stairway.
We kindly asked these 2 clowns for a picture only to be rudely told to step back. Nabeh. Should just snap away like the clowns they are.Nice. Dinner was pretty crappy and we took a photo of the shop which served us the shitty overpriced food. And the dude still must extra and pose for the picture. God damn hippie.
Oh the gelato was pretty good and they were everywhere. Not from that restaurant of course.
Posted by weelian at 6:58 PM
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