Note the cured ham on the top right corner. They are cured for like half a year, gathering dust. But when you slice them, their still juicy. Sick. But they do taste quite nice.
On the way there, we passed by the local Duomo and Batistry.
This is the East Door. Don't remember what it stands for though. The panels in gold depict biblical stories. Whats new?
Duomo left, batistry right. The building is super intricate.
Very messy if you ask me. But this is also the place where I took one of my favorite picture for the trip.
Off to Boboli Gardens! Those pretentious Italians. That is no garden! Its like a freakin countryside. We actually have to buy tickets to get into the garden. Steady lor. We found a nice spot, laid out the blanket we conveniently took off our flight and spread out the food.
e stayed in this position for very long. Too long in fact. When we woke up, it is already mid afternoon and we hurried off to explore the garden. But not before Shuyi feeds some pigeons.
We climbed up until we reach
A fountain with a kid and a few monkeys below. Interesting. Some of the fountains here are kinda creepy. There is this
Because we spent too much time taking our nap, we missed half of the garden which was about to close. So we exited the garden and wandered about till we came to this place.climbing up this flight of stairs, we see a cafe and this
The BIGGEST sofa on earth! That sofa is huge! This is a sign board that shows a better picture of the sofa
It is in Italian. Thanks lor. The sofa is cracking a bit here and there due to the weather. Such a pity. At the big sofa, we saw another couple taking wedding photo. Nothing as krazy as those we saw in Rome but here they are.
Whatever goes up, must come down. And that is exactly what we did.
But what I didn't count on was the final climb to Piazza Michelangelo which I read offers the best view of Florence. Well, you can only get the best views when you are up there right? As usual, we got pretty lost and asked for directions. The lady gave us a giggle and keep pointing in one direction and saying 'su, su, su, su, su'. That is a lot of 'su's, which meant 'up' in Italian. And man was she right. After a long climb, we reach.
Nice view indeed. Like any self-respecting Italian Piazza, this one has a replica of David too. This time in green. Whatever.
While we were walking back to the hotel, we passed by some hippie kids dancing at the piazza. Can you imagine? Its like dancing in front of Takashimaya. Goddamn hippies.
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