Wednesday, October 25, 2006
5 Aug: Siena
Today is the day trip to Siena. A sleepy little town which the guide book describe as everyone's favorite little town. The town is famous for the Palio. A horse race throughthe narrow streets of Siena. Apart from that I read that they are famous for their panforte which is like a fruit cake but more tightly packed and with spices thrown in. Ok. Not that much like our regular fruitcake.
Here we are, at Siena
Being kiasu, we wanted to make the most of the trip so we reached Siena fairly early. The train station was deserted and we took a bus to town. You know you've reached town when you see a McDonald: the sign of civilization.
Because we reach early the city is still barely awake. Everyone is getting ready for the new day
You do know what this dude is doing right? Applying gold paint all over, stand around and do nothing, hoping that you pay him. Slacker! Lucky for him it is Italy and not Singapore. You are going to go hungry if you are in Singapore. We don't give out money like that.
The town is pretty confusing with lots of up and down slopes. But the design is fairly simple. A piazza as the center and roads spreading out like a fan. Piazza del Campo is the main piazza and it is shaped like a piece of luncheon meat (semi circle la) and slightly curved like a bowl. Like the hippies that they are, there are lotsa ang mohs lying around. So did Miss Tourism here
Always feeding the birds... At the piazza is Gaia Fountain(Fountain of Joy) where pigeons line up to drink from.

From the reflection of my shade, u ca see my hand. Almost all the pictures of us are taken this way because those Italians all look like they can run away quite quickly with my camera. Yes, I have long hands. Like Dhalsim baby! At the fountain, we found two small fountains, one at each side. We are unsure if it is potable. So observed this little girl for a while before filling up our bottles.

We walked around town and saw Lassie!
Them Italians love their dogs. They bring them everywhere. Shopping places, airport, restaurants etc. I've seen alot of doggies during this trip but this has GOT to be the most handsome looking one.

I forgot what this church is but they charge for entry and the 'privilege' of climbing the tower. So I say 'screw it' and we carry on exploring the town and do some window shopping.

Lunch was pretty normal and we got the usual guai lan attitude as we refuse to be ripped off by the plain water they sell. I've learnt that you've got to treat them like shit to gain some proper service. Bitches.

This shop has the monopoly in Siena for selling candles. Here is the boss (i think) giving a demonstration of candle carving. The basically keep dipping the core candle in wax till it is nice and fat while keeping the temperature at around 60 degrees.
They only wear white.
I guess the residents here are already used to tourist lurking under their laundry already. They don't give a shit!
The local Duomo. Duomo de zebra crossing.
You do know I'm making this shit up right?
Us taking a break in a cafe. We had a giant slice of pizza for dinner and headed home.

Posted by weelian at 8:34 AM
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